On The Three Principles of BmB Opportunities

Unlocking the full value of two businesses partnering on an opportunity relies mainly on three short, simple and clear principles, which need to be present in order to drive that opportunity towards success, leveraging from the first Business Meets Business (BmB) platform.
Construct Synergy
1 + 1 = 3
When a business works with the right strategic partner, both parties bring something to the table that the other cannot. They can therefore create more value together than either could on their own.
Out of many, one
1 + 1 = 1
For a partnership to create this added value, strategic partners must work as one. They must appear as if they are working for one organization towards the same goal, rather than as two separate entities.
Capture value
1 + 1 = 1.2 + 1.8
Each party must benefit from the added value created by a partnership. Otherwise, there is no incentive for collaboration and the relationship will fall apart.
At Powerlinx, we are devoted to help businesses find their next big opportunity for them to reach their goals through synergistic opportunities.