
D2M is a 3rd Party Logistics, Sales, and Marketing company the helps powersports dealers buy direct from manufacturers! The recent challenges brought on by the global economy are certainly no secret. The powersports industry, where aftermarket products have traditionally gone through a two-step distribution process, have been particularly hard hit since dealers and manufacturers, in order to stay competitive, have had to significantly reduce their margins. D2M provides an alternative to the two-step distribution process as D2M seeks to help the retail dealers and manufacturers work more closely and easily together. D2M (which stands for Direct 2 Manufacturer) is not a distributor. D2M does not buy and resell products as is common in two step distribution. Instead, we're a service provider working directly with the manufacturers to give them the ability to sell directly to dealers — quickly, efficiently and effectively. D2M has partnered with several quality brands within the powersports industry and is accepting resumes for sales reps nationwide.


United States

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Company website
http://www.direct2mfg.com Employees
Number of Employees 1

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