
From the elixir to the liqueurBarth|l|my Rocher, born in 1677, set off to help his uncle who was in charge of the La C? te St Andr| Hospice. As an accomplished botanist, he had a passion for the preparation of plant elixirs. Using his experience in this field, he widened his know-how to the production of the first liqueurs and founded the House of Rocher in La C? te Saint-Andr|.'The best liqueurs in France...' In 1705, his liqueurs received their first distinction when the Dauphin of France visited Grenoble. Since that time more than eight generations of men and women have devoted the same energy and passion to the selection of plants and fruit, and the preparation of the best products. As Brillat-Savari, author of 'la Physiologie du Go? t'['The Physiology of Taste'] already wrote back at that time 'the best French liqueurs are made in La C? te Saint-Andr|'.



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