
Moriom Fashion is working as a Buying House in the field of garments industry which includes all kinds of Knitwear, Woven and Sweater/Pullover products. We have an excellent team of experienced, motivated and highly qualified personnel who put their best to ensure full satisfaction of our valued customers in terms of quality, price and timely shipment. We offer a wide variety of product range to our customers. We provide GSP Certificate for EEC market for all types of garments. Our main objective is to understand our customers’ need and to establish a long term relationship for better cooperation in future. We never want to lose our valued customers. We have been really working very hard with all our sincerity and devotion to establish ourselves as a well-reputed Buying House since we started back in 2013.


United Kingdom

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http://www.yourbusiness.com Employees
Number of Employees 5

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