
MicroWorld develops Information Security solutions that provide protection against current and evolving cyber threats. Our product portfolio includes eScan and MailScan that encompass Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Content Security, Anti-Spam, and Network Intrusion Prevention solutions. Incorporated in the USA with offices worldwide, we are represented by our partners across the globe. eScan Anti-Virus and Internet Security Suite designed for home and small office users are comprehensive Anti-Virus and Content Security Solutions that provides proactive protection to your computers against malware and other threats that creep around the internet, such as Viruses, Spyware, Adware, Keyloggers, Rootkits, Botnets, Hackers, Spam, and range of Information Security threats. eScan Partners receive extensive support ranging from training to technical to marketing materials. The Program helps to strengthen your business capabilities, industry-leading profitability and partnering plans, better serve customers, and build connections to reach your full business potential. Our aim is to help facilitate your engagement with eScan by assisting you in securing your business opportunities.


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http://www.escanav.com Employees
Number of Employees 2

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