
AMCC conducts various courses in the field of Complimentary, Ayurveda, Holistic, Herbal Therapy, Paramedical sciences under various system of Alternative Medicines through its hundreds of affiliated Colleges/Institutes world wide under distance as well as regular mode of educational systems. Doctors of Alternative Medicines, Registered Medica l Practitioner can avail its state of the art clinical laboratory, course materials, in house training as a junior doctors and practice facility by upgrading qualification in the respective field of alternative medicine systems and be a registered medical practitioner in India as well in any foreign country. Any person with the prerequisites likes to build up a career as a doctor of alternative medicines or medicinal systems and wants to involve in traditional practices through private chamber or service with the listing in alternative medicine directory is requested to contact with the council office.


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http://www.altmedonline.com Employees
Number of Employees 1

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