
Mark E. BaylorOwner/Author1BaylorBooks, LLC is a business whose operations specialize in the Entertainment industry. Based out of Rocky Mount, 1BaylorBooks, LLC intends to provide superior quality product line, reliable service and cost competitive prices. 1BaylorBooks, LLC strives to excel in the Entertainment business by providing our customers with the best possible sources for reading, entertainment and excitement. We will be recognized as a leader in the literary and entertainment industry. We will remain highly competitive and will maintain high standards to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. 1BaylorBooks, LLCs key objective is to capture market share in the Entertainment industry by offering competitively priced goods and services, quality product line, building a strong and skilled personnel team that will solidify our foundation, sustain the growth of the company and to progressively increase annual sales by 20% per year.


United States

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Company website
https://www.cdtdigital.com/markbaylorbooksworldwide/index.php Employees
Number of Employees 1

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