
AgriLand, FCS, is a customer-owned credit cooperative that has catered to the financial needs of agricultural producers and agribusinesses for more than 65 years. Our experienced loan officers know what it takes to run a successful agricultural enterprise. What is AgriLand, FCS? AgriLand is a customer-owned credit cooperative established by farmers and ranchers to be a reliable source of credit for agricultural producers. AgriLand, FCS, is part of the nationwide Farm Credit System established in 1917. Who operates AgriLand, FCS? The borrowers of AgriLand are voting members and owners of the cooperative. AgriLand borrowers elect the board of directors and vote on other important issues regarding the lending institution. The board of directors provides strategic and policy-level oversight to the association's senior management team. Senior management oversees the daily activities of the association. Who is eligible for an AgriLand, FCS, loan? Anyone engaged in farming, ranching or most other ag-related businesses on a full- or part-time basis may be eligible. This includes individuals, partnerships and corporations. Additionally, individuals may obtain financing for rural homes and recreational real estate. Is AgriLand a government agency? Money for AgriLand loans comes from the sale of bonds to the investing public. AgriLand, FCS, is a lending cooperative owned entirely by its member-stockholders. What kind of loans can be obtained from AgriLand? AgriLand offers fixed- and variable-rate loans, operating loans, intermediate-term loans, real estate loans, rural housing loans and ag-related business loans. For what purposes can a loan be made? At AgriLand, we make loans for almost anything directly or indirectly involved in the operation of a farm, ranch, agribusiness or other ag-related enterprise, as well as family living expenses of the borrower including: Real Estate Cattle Purchases Feed, Seed, Fertilizer Labor Harvesting Expenses Fencing and Other Improvements Chemicals Machinery and Equipment Poultry Facilities Processing Facilities Storage Facilities Farm Buildings Nursery Facilities Dairy Facilities Timber Trucks and Automobiles What determines the terms or method of repayment? Essentially, repayment terms are determined by the nature of the loan, its purpose and the repayment capacity of the borrower. Repayments may be set up to coincide with the marketing of crops or livestock. They also may be paid in installments from farm operations or non-agricultural sources. How much can be borrowed from AgriLand? Whether you are a young, beginning farmer or a large corporation, we stand ready to service your needs. AgriLand's legal lending limit is approximately $5,000,000, but we have several lending partners that can purchase overlines. We are large enough to meet the total needs of East Texas agriculture yet small enough to offer personalized service. What information does Agriland require to make a loan decision? Agriland requires a signed loan request, a repayment plan and a current financial statement. Additional information, such as past income statements, cash-flow statements and tax returns, may be required depending on the size and complexity of the loan.



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