
Dun & Bradstreet Indonesia is a part of the D&B Worldwide Network that manages commercial database with information on more than 150 million companies, gathered in 214 countries, in 95 languages or dialects, covering 181 monetary currencies. Through the D&B Worldwide Network, an unrivaled alliance of D&B and leading business information providers around the world, customers gain access to the world's largest and highest quality global commercial business information database. We further provide clients with the insight they need to build trust and improve the quality of their business relationship with their customers, suppliers and business partners. The D&B's information and technology solution help businesses reduce credit risk, find profitable customers and manage suppliers/vendors efficiently. Business also use D&B's information and technology to authenticate and verify potential trading partners online, increasing their trust and confidence in e-commerce transaction. That's why so many companies -including over 90 percent of Business Week Global 1000- rely on D&B as the most trusted source for information they need to make their business a success



Relevant Industries / Keywords

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Business types

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Company website
http://www.dnb.co.id/ Employees
Number of Employees 4

This company doesn't have any public Opportunities
