
NextChar will be the first industrial scale manufacturer of biochar using its proprietary pyrolysis technology. The patent-pending NextChar technology is designed specifically for the production of consistently high quality biochar and heat-energy. Most biochar produced in North America is a byproduct of older generation wood-energy boilers or by back-yard hobbyists making small batches of local use. Other sources include residuals from wood furnaces in Russia, China and Taiwan, using sawdust and residuals from the furniture and bamboo industries. With no point of origin tracking, little or no quality control or product testing, a wide range of material is making it into the marketplace. Much of the material possess little or none of the attributes of quality biochar. There a limited supply of good quality biochar, being produced on retrofitted equipment, and sold by knowledgeable brokers to discerning customers. The gap between supply and demand remains great however, and it is into this market divide NextChar is entering.


United States

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Company website
https://www.nextchar.com/ Employees
Number of Employees 1

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