
What is no longer loved by one will be loved by another. Buying a pre owned designer handbag can be intimidating for many first-time buyers in the pre owned market. There are many sites selling replicas or bags that have a lot wear and tear due to being purchased and sold on consignment (so there is very little control for quality and condition). Its difficult to know what you are purchasing! We want to reassure you that buying in the pre owned market has many more pros than cons. When buying a new bag from online or in store, you know the item is 100% authentic, no wear and tear, and you have the comfort of buying from the actual brand you are purchasing. However, the pre owned market is full of vintage, one-of-a-kind pieces you cannot buy in the store, and of course you purchase the handbags 40% to 60% off retail price! LuxeDH has one of the best reputations in the industry for only selling authentic pre owned designer items - and we take it very seriously. We are also known for having some of the best quality and largest selection of excellent condition items (we work with all of the major Flash Sale sites, and they love our quality and trust that we only offer real items), so not only can you shop with confidence with us knowing you are buying the real deal, you are also purchasing a pre owned item with minor to no wear! Another perk of the pre owned market is that many luxury brands have discontinued styles or styles that have changed a bit throughout the years. These items are only available in the pre owned market. LuxeDH has one of the largest collections of pre owned Louis Vuitton handbags and pre owned Chanel handbags, so you are sure to find a handbag to make statement and fits your personal style. Shop the pre owned market with confidence when you buy from LuxeDH! Feel free to contact us with any questions before you buy!


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