
We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the renowned Manufacturer / Exporters /Trading House of Pakistan for exporting of 100% Garments such as Woven, denim non denim etc for all types of Men, Ladies & Children wear according to buyers choice on most competitive prices. Since long, we have been serving our honorable foreign buyers of Europe and United kingdom in exporting of all kind of Garments on most competitive prices within specified period. We have in knowledge that your esteemed company use to import different types of Garments from many suppliers and we like to serve your fast growing business with your satisfaction. In this connection, we append herewith our Companies Profile for kind perusal. We therefore, request you to please contact us with confidence so that we can send your requirements through Sharp mail.



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Company website
http://www.emaangarment.com Employees
Number of Employees 1

This company doesn't have any public Opportunities

Offices No information added