Porta Bidet is a bidet that can easily be installed by the home owner/renter that requires no major plumbing changes. The only thing that the owner does is change the single water feed under the bathroom sink, to a dual feed which allows feeding the bidet both hot and cold water and the bidet will have a control handle/valve (resembling a shower control) that allows adjusting the water temperature and water pressure. This bidet also has attachments for an enema and a douche feature which are easily interchangeable. It will also have a pulsating feature with different water plate for the desired flow. Mounting it requires the removal of the toilet paper dispenser (which is no longer needed) and placing the unit over the hole to run the plumbing lines to the water feed under the sink; or they can mount it beside the TP dispenser, to keep the TP for initial wipes before using the bidet to wash themselves. They would only have to cut about a 2 inch hole in the bathroom sink counter wall. The unit can also be easily removed if they want to take it with them, should they move from their current residence The owner has control of these features as well as the direction of the water flow, all while utilizing the toilet. The unit does not take up space either and is easily accessible by the user, all within hands reach. My company is in its infancy stages, I still need to get it patented. Once patented, I will crowd fund it to bring in the revenue to get this started, or utilize funds if available, from a partner. Which I'm looking for, either an investor for approximately $15,000.00 to get all the patents needed. On contract, the investor will be paid 1% per thousand of the profits with capping it at $30.000.00 pay off; Or I am willing to take on a partner. I'm leaning towards licensing it out, as opposed to doing all the manufacturing. And I'm leaning towards a partnership. I hired World Patent Marketing (WPM) to do a global marketing and patent research and it's very impressive. WPM also compiled a portfolio for me that has all the information they performed, with numbers, of all their services offered, a three dimensional drawing of the unit, a Logo, to include a breakdown of the manufacturing, sales, patenting, and detailed descriptions of other bidets on the market and what their capabilities are, and none of them even come close to resembling my unit. This portfolio is available for review. If any interested parties are out of the State of Arizona, I will have to upload the portfolio into my computer, or if any party is seriously interested, I will come to you, after I find the funds for a plane ticket. I am currently a semi-retired, semi disabled Veteran (But I am ambulatory capable and physically in fair shape for my age, 67). I am on a fixed disability income from the VA, so my funds are limited.
United States
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