
Our company is a area leader in the field of the energetic efficiency audit and energetic certification of buildings and installations. Recently, we have begun the development of a new business line, consisting in the embedded software development Cluj Napoca has become in the last years a very powerful centre of ITC development, national and European. Some 15.000-17.000 ITC engineers work here, with an increase rhythm of 15% per year. The city is known as ~The Sylicon Valey of Europe~, it may be a little bit exaggerated, for the current level, but it is relevant for the development trend. The business environment, the infrastructure, the logistics available favours and encourages the continuous and solid development of the ICT field. We are interested in the identification of new partners, new collaborators in the field of embedded software development This may be B2B, joint ventures or other agreed formulae.



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Company website
http://www.energocertif.ro Employees
Number of Employees 1

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