
Good Threads LLC is the only needle point business that gives a percentage of its revenue to the charity. All the needle point belts sold here are made by the families of JRF community and Haitians living near by the community. These belts are embroidered or hand stitched with needle point. Company Profile: - Good Threads LLC is a needle point company founded by David Palmer and his brother Tim Palmer in 2012. Tim got the company up and running while David figured out how to actually make a needlepoint belt and train women to do the same. Both David and Tim were motivated by a desire to create a new revenue source for the Joan Rose Foundation and employ the hard working Haitian women of our community. Contact Details: David Palmer Founder and President 1471 North Glengarry Bloomfield Village, MI 48301 USA Phone No – 248-646-9134 [email protected] https://www.goodthreadsllc.com


United States

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Company website
https://www.goodthreadsllc.com Employees
Number of Employees 1

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