
Company Summary, Options, and Vision July 4, 2017 What watch Does: • A digital sports watch where user is able to program and run a Tabata. No presets, user inputs desired work time, desired rest time, and amount of rounds (up to 19 rounds in model 1). Good for Emoms too. • A digital sports watch with a Variable Interval Timer. User can program 19 intervals of whichever length he chooses, on each of the intervals. Useful for workouts with different portions and transitions or decreasing/increasing pyramids, etc. (US patent: 9239591) • Stopwatch and Timer (aka Amrap & For Time workout domains) • Time, Date, Alarm • Vibration feature, so watch vibrates a countdown of 3 seconds to warn the athlete transition is coming, and vibrates a bit longer to identify its time to switch exercise or to begin work or rest. • You can tally rounds with a specialized button and go look at time splits for each lap or round. • Pictures of model 1 below Motivations: • All wearables, fitness gadgets and apps were focusing on steps taken, calories, stairs climbed, heart rate, etc. None focused on what the interval training or functional fitness needed most: effective and hand free way to keep track of intervals and workouts. • When training outside, you no longer need to expose your smartphone to the elements (or bouncing barbells) • If workout includes a run, you no longer need to take with you or leave behind the smartphone • When athlete is putting in reps he can remain focused on doing so, by not having to look elsewhere to see if time is up. Can help the competitive athlete with intensity throughout the whole interval • When athletes would like to add a strength or mobility portion, they can program intervals on their watch without having to align themselves with the gym walltimer • When athletes train by themselves due to experience, lateness, short on time, etc, they would no longer need to align themselves with the wall timer being used by the class. • The athletes in the functional fitness niche made popular by CrossFit were forging an identity that has been supported by clothes, shoes, socks, jewelry, equipment, recovery and mobility gadgets, but nothing in the domain of time keeping. CrossFit athletes were borrowing watches from other industries (surf watches for example due to their robustness and causal look). • Coaches could keep better flow of their classes with variables intervals. We had a few coaches program (for example): 10 minute warmup, 5 minute transition, 12 minutes strength, 7 minute transition, 20 minute amrap, 5 minute cleanup and transition, 10 minutes for mobility, etc. Watch would vibrate on coache’s wrist to tell it was time to change portions of the class, without coach having to remember to be checking their watch, or disrespectfully be looking at their phone. The name, mindset, attitude: Early ideas for the watch were seeded back in 2009, where Functional Fitness could be performed simply with some sneakers, boardshorts and a kettlebell. Athletes would workout at the park, backyard, hotel room, etc with little or no equipment. As the years went by and the popularity of the sport grew, things started to get more complicated. Workout sessions now had several parts to it, specialized shoes or other tools for each section of the workout appeared, and interval types such as Emoms became the norm and these could most easily be done inside the walls and confines of a CrossFit box. In our opinion this diluted somewhat the spirit of functional fitness and the “Workout Anytime, Anywhere” mentality. Hall Pass Watches attempts to blend and minimize this new direction by providing as simple or as sophisticated interval training splits to the athlete that wants them, but preserving the ideal of working out anytime, anywhere. Sure, we all love our box, our community and the whole movement, but having one of our watches, or the app, is basically a “Hall Pass” to step away, at least temporarily, from any newly imposed structure to the overall goal of just being and feeling fit. Below is the image of a clear bumper sticker we include with our watches, and the current label: What App Does: • We felt that we were not just a watch company, but in fact a Functional Fitness Interval training solution, so we developed apps for both IOS and Android smartwatches, as well as their smartwatches. • App is meant to be a one stop timing app for everyday use, regardless of time domain required that day. Amrap, For Time, Tabata, Emom, variable timer, etc. Previously I used different apps for different time domains on different days or different sections of the wod. • App can be used to quickly program and edit all name on smartphone, and sync to smartwatch in a second or two, so user can play workout and its renamed intervals on watch. • You can tally rounds with a specialized button and go look at time splits for each lap or round. • App has a free and paid version (for $1.99). Only difference is that the free version limits your use of the Variable Timer to 20 times. IOS Free: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-vit-lite-app-by-hpw/id1224760783?l=es&ls=1&mt=8 Android Free: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.emaginelab.hallpass.production&hl=en Example Video of talling rounds on Android Wear App: https://www.instagram.com/p/BTXGxUdDOo0/?taken-by=hallpasswatches Organization: • Apps have been built and are available in Itunes App Store and Google Play Store • Watch (red or black) could be purchased from website www.hallpasswatches.com through Shopify shopping cart and set up to be automatically fulfilled by Amazon Fulfilment. An alarm would just alert of purchase. • Manufacturer in India would ship directly to Amazon warehouse. • Customer service was managed personally by me. • Amazon would automatically deposit periodically to the LLC’s bank account in Chase USA. • Tax reports and all administrative documentation (trademarks, logos, patents, Tax EID, business licenses, bar codes, etc) are all up to date and properly organized. Challenges: • The first batch of watches had a few problems. All watches were replaced to buyers. We have good comments from their customer service experience. • The second batch of watches could have used better switches for the buttons. These have been quoted and ready for purchase for production of 500 more units of model 1 • Model 1 is not waterproof • Failure to build a proper team for several reasons • One of the reasons is that I equivocally thought I could do everything myself • Inadequate experience and drive with marketing and felt that hiring a third party would dilute the message and mindset of the company. • Volume of production needed to be larger to make more colors possible, cheaper manufacturing, inventory in more continents, etc • Lack of time to email bloggers, participate in fitness chat groups, etc. • Cash flow Options: (I have to pick 1, 2, or a combination of them all) • Focus on App, its future upgrades, its benefits for running workouts on a smartwatch, and its marketing (little marketing has been done for them). There are a lot more features we could add while at the same time keeping it simple, and a lot of integrations to other aps and wearables that we can add. • Invest about $2,000 in better button switches to produce the next 500 units. (only want to do this if I have a proper marketing setup and team. I do not want to pay for shelf space at Amazon if I can’t effectively get our message across over all the noise on social media). • Raise capital to produce Model 2, which is meant to be waterproof and could add a lot more features (connectivity to app, Bluetooth, connectivity to other health and fitness software, heart rate, etc). Pictures of model 2 below. • Crowdfunding is a possible way to get Model 2 produced (and validation) but I need a team to help me with this. • A less desirable but viable option would be to sell the company and all of its assets to a third party with interest in the industry. What we need • I am not looking for capital alone. • I am looking for partners to help me take this company to the next level. A lot of work has been done by myself to get this project running, but I know that I cannot do it alone anymore. • Ideally I could use 2 partners, both willing to invest a little bit in the company, quantities will be in relationship to the options chosen from above • Ideally one partner can help me with manufacturing and relationship with factory, while other partner should have a good knowledge or mechanisms to get the word out effectively in the CrossFit, Functional Fitness, Interval Training, and/or general fitness community. More resources: • Website: www.hallpasswatches.com • Slide Deck: https://www.slideshare.net/ThomasPattonAltamirano/hall-pass-watches-company • Social Media links: o Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hallpasswatches/ o Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HallPassWatches/ o Twitter: https://twitter.com/hallpasswatches • Videos: o Marketing Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3H150GhlPI o Mock Series Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpqibzhNKLo o Company Pitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxcJPbG9bQI&t=6s If you too see the value in any of these options or combinations, and can forsee the contribution, impact, and service we could add to this fascinating fitness industry, then lets brainstorm together. Thomas Chief OCD Officer Marketing & Product Development Division Hall Pass™ Watches LLC


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