
BIRD promotes and supports collaborations between American and Israeli companies. BIRD provides conditional grants of up to US$1.5M, up to 50% of the cost of a joint R&D project between Israeli and US companies, no equity, repayments only upon the project enjoys sales. BIRD was established by the U.S. and Israeli governments. We promote collaborations in virtually every area that can show significant innovation and demonstrates commercial potential. We provide also matchmaking support between U.S. and Israeli companies. The BIRD program can be a great vehicle to cooperate with new technologies in a minimum risk. BIRD has 4 programs annually: two are general ones and relevant to any innovative technology while the other two are in the energy and homeland security sectors. From time to time we focus on specific sectors such as IIOT, AI, Water Technologies, etc. This is the link to the next general Call for Proposals - https://www.birdf.com/bird-call-proposals/



Relevant Industries / Keywords

No information added

Business types

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1977 Employees
Number of Employees 1
December 11, 2018
US-Israeli R&D funding


United States


matching and funding join U.S. Israeli joint development

Relevant Industries / Keywords

Clean Energy or Medical Devices and Products
