
MiR Tactical was formed by a group of highly trained, talented, and experienced ex-military who shared a common goal to create realistic Military Simulation events for the airsoft industry. The vision at MiR Tactical is to host events that promote real battle scenarios. MiR Tactical has achieved a winning formula for hosting and executing exciting MILSIM games that will exceed the players' expectations. MiR Tactical Upgrade and Repair is a full service repair and upgrade shop, where the customer can be assured that the items they are purchasing, or the work they are having done, has been 100% battle tested and endorsed by our experienced team. From airsoft upgrades to uniforms, MiR Tactical will not sell or endorse anything that has not have not been put to extreme testing on the game field. At MiR Tactical we will never rest on our accomplishments. We will constantly strive to create, develop, and implement new ideas, strategies, and services that will benefit the airsoft community.


United States

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Number of Employees 1

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